The 3TNC (longer than Dogs) resto

Discussion in 'Restorations' started by 3TNC, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Well, it has started.

    Father in law arrived, welding kit and various other tools in hand (ooh err missus) and asked the fated question :

    "Where are we starting?"

    "Erm ............ Dunno!"

    "We have (insert endless list of jobs) to do, where do you want to begin pops?"

    So, first on the agenda was to try and reconstruct the cross member and floor section for the fuel tank. Not that hard I hear you cry but various things made life a little tricky like the starter motor facing skywards - it has a 1.9TDi mk4 golf engine in it.

    This has finally been done along with an engine shift and still retained all if not more strength than originally there from VW. Its not in place yet as we have to construct the floor and make a brace for the gearbox mount.

    Will try and get some pics loaded, if it doesn't work straight away - bear with me.


    Front shot of our project.


    The new cross member, made from 4mm treadplate. Just needs a drop of paint to stave off the rust then it's going in.

    Gotta start somewhere I guess - more to follow :D
    Diddymen, paradox, redoxide and 4 others like this.
  2. if Ironman (the original one, not the slimline modern one lol) grew a porn'stache, it would look a little like that last picture I reckon
    Diddymen and 3TNC like this.
  3. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    longer than mine!!! we'll see lol. thats a proper heavy duty crossmember!
  4. Sounds like a challenge @dog

    It is a little heavy duty but would rather over engineer for longevity
    dog likes this.

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