Thats one way to get out of the housework,

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Flakey, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Went to one of my elderly clients today, he lives in a three storey town house and because he,s a bit wobbly on his feet these days they've converted the back of the garage on the ground floor into a bedsit for him. when I arrived he was a bit flustered,let me in and said help me sort this out before the wife gets back! I could see an orange cable running from a socket in the utility area to his room, poked my head round the corner to see he'd used the lawn mower to hoover the carpet,luckily he'd only destroyed the rug not the carpet there was bits everywhere,unluckily his wife arrived about 2mins after me, to be fair she did see the funny side especially as I could hardly speak for laughing!
  2. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Sometimes getting old sounds epic - you can say what you want to whomever you want and do bat Marmite mad stuff and get away with it...

    Appreciate being I'm full command of ones marbles is a benefit mind!!
  3. Hahaha that's pretty impressive...another reason why working with the elderly is awesome :) x

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