Tell us your pranks .

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    i once worked with a chap who was very greedy indeed , At lunchtime he would go around gobbling up the lads leftovers from their lunch boxes and generally getting on everyones nerves .

    To qualify the next series of events i have to say this lad was a 6ft 4inch 17 stone bully of the finest order --

    Eventually the lads had had enough and came to me with a plan ( i was the manager so they were covering their backs ) , i listened to their idea and smiled , the plan was for one of them to have a bar of chocolate leftover and offer it to him , it was to be ex lax - the chocolate that moved your bowels rapidly , the other part of the plan was to get the smallest lad to lock the toilets from the inside and hop back over the top , i am ahamed to say i agreed with the plan fully .

    The day came and Sam ( the greedy lad ) woofed the ex lax down at lunchtime without question , A whole bar - oops .

    The whole factory waited patiently all afternoon for the effect to take hold - Nothing happened

    At clocking out time i watched as everyone gathered around the clock at about two minutes to go as was custom , Sam was stood at the front as usual and then all of a sudden his faced changed -- " S'CUSE ME GOTTA GO !" he anounced and barged through the crowd like a bull at a gate and headed rapidly for the gents -

    A few second later he came rushing out of the gents holding his bottom and announcing loudly " THERE'S SOMEONE IN EM !", the panic on his face was poetry , he rushed straight into the Lady's , where the only two women workers were getting ready to go home , we were in hysterics .

    for ten minutes we waited , we heard muttering and could tell the ladys were helping him in some sort of way .

    Eventually a very annoyed lady ( Pat ) came out , " what have you so and so's done to Sam this time ?"she asked with a knowing smile on her face - we all faked innocence and looked around as though knowing nothing .

    Maureen the other lady came out with a very shame faced Sam and told us all off , apparently he never quite made it and stood there like a small child saying to the ladys " i can't help it i think i've pooed my pants " and couldn't move until the bowel motion had finished . to add insult to injury the ladys helped him clean himself up and loaned him a pair of their work trousers to go home in - RESULT >:D

    He never ever lived it down and even today when i meet him on the odd occasion i always ask him about it and he always asks , " what was in that chocolate?. ::) ::) ::)

    Have you ever played a prank on someone who deserved it - or maybe they didn't ;)
  2. Hahaha that's classic
  3. PRANK ONE...Stuck in a room

    i spent my first year of uni in halls.

    one of the guys i used to live with was very sleepy in the mornings and used to make his way to the bathroom in a daze.

    so one night we thought it would be funny to cling film over his entire door way - so that when he opened the door (doors open into the room) he would walk into the clingfilm and it would take him ages to get out.

    so after he went to bed we started to cling film his doorway - making sure it was strong - yet not too obvious...

    pleased with our work we went to bed and set our alarms to make sure we could witness the fun in the morning ....

    however --- a few hours later - a fire alarm went off and as Nev tried to get out of this room he got stuck, he was unable to open the cling film and got trapped in his room. we had to get knives and scissors and free him.

    it did not go down well with the fire brigade.... :(

    PRANK TWO...Sticky Coins

    When I was young - my brother and I used to superglue a few coins to the pavement outside our family house and watch people walk by, see them and then subtley try to pick them up.

    We used to literally drop a few 10ps, 2 ps and sometimes a 50p on the floor and glue them where they landed. We then set up a video camera and used to record people trying and failing to pick them up.

    Realising they had been pranked they would sheepishly walk off ... this was in the days before Youtube - but I must say I am tempted to start this up again and set up a channel with all of the results to share online.
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    K+ for that Mara ;D
  5. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Surely me n Marowak are not the only ones with pranks story's , or are you too afraid to admit to yours ?.
  6. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    mine involved daves insanity sauce and a table spoon. i can't go into any more details but i thought an ambulance was going to be needed but luckily force feeding him 5 tubs of yoghurt and a pint of milk rectified the situation.

    it was very funny to start with and after
  7. Just before the election a few years back, I had got several political telemarketing calls in succession. I am usually very quick and polite at giving them the brush off as well as with telemarketing calls.

    As I work for myself and partly from home I can get a occasionally get a little stir crazy and sometimes answer the home phone in different accents (which i can do as my work line is a different number)

    So, a week before the big day I had a call from a perky Scottish lady who asked for me by name
    ‘Hullo, is that Mr. Nimrodihnio?

    Adopting an old, out of breath, hard of hearing, cockney codger accent i said, ‘yes darling oos that? do I know yer?’

    ‘no Mr. N I’m Susan calling from Scottish power do you know you can save money by switching energy providers’

    'Wassat darling your doing wat?'

    'You can save money by switching energy provider’

    ‘Ooo do you say you are?

    slowly and loudly ‘SCOTTISH ENERGY’

    ‘No darling av voted labour all me life I int changing naa’

    ‘No Mr N I’m calling about saving you money?

    ‘Thas wat them Tories said last time’

    'No Mr N, it’s about saving you money through changing your supplier’

    ‘A int votin for ya, anyways I live in London you int got no candidates ere, that trout fella in charge always going on abat haggis and whisky’

    By this time she is taken in and amused with the old duffer on the other end of the line

    ‘We are not a political party mr N’ She patiently explains yet again

    ‘Sorry Darlin am not gonna vot for ya no matter how much money I can save, be lucky’ says I and then feign chest pains

    ‘ooooh’ (groaning) ‘can you do any fink abat power for me pacemaker its a bit dodgy at the mo’

    ‘Oh no’ she says concernedly and I fake some more pains ‘oooh me chest, gotta go love and find a batt.....’ and I put the phone down.
    Giggling to myself I go and make a cup of tea in the kitchen and reward myself with a hob nob, highly amused at my cleverness and ‘improv skills’

    Less than 10 minutes later I hear the sirens coming closer and screaming to a stop outside the door bell rings and there is a desperate banging on the door.
    I answer it and 2 paramedics and a policeman are looking for a Mr. Nimrodihnio and is he ok.....

    In shock I invite them in shamefacedly explain all that has just occurred while my neighbours and various random passersby rubberneck outside while I am dearly wishing the ground would open up and swallow me forthwith.
    Susan had apparently desperately tried calling but as I hadn’t returned the phone properly to the cradle and was in the kitchen not hearing the buzzing and not hearing the please hang up was unaware of this. She then phoned 999 hence the visit to ascertain my well being.
    I was let off with a severe warning and a lecture on wasting the emergency service time and putting others lives in danger.

    a sincere letter of apology later, I have not been remotely tempted to do any comedy accents on the phones ...or change my energy supplier.
  8. ha ha brilliant!
  9. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  10. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  11. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  12. haha these are brill.... the only thing i've ever really done is when it was my sisters birthday me and my cousin decided to get my sister a pressie specially from us... we wrapped it up all beautiful and told her it was really special... she was so excited...

    until she opened up a fresh dog turd... the look on her face was amazing...from being really excited to horrified within a split second

    me and my cuz loved it!! :p

  13. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Class. Sisters have no soh ! . K+
  14. Not mine but I witnessed the aftermath.
    years ago, I was visiting a site, for a periodic inspection, having produced the drawings etc, A large Whitbread pub in Canterbury, Top brass were coming. The only loo, for some reason, was a makeshift thing built out of studwork around an extisting wc. Some joker >:D decided to remove the ONLY light bulb from the 'booth' but only after lifting up the seat, and then stretching clinfilm over the bowl, then lowering the seat again. Top brass arrived after a long ish journey, Oh I must just pay a visit.......... yes a wet leg moment, coz once you start you just cant stop can you.
  15. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Its always the plasterr ;) k+
  16. The only real thing suitable for a public forum is when we stitched up a mate on his birthday.

    We were playing football saturday as usual and the team were in on it. The plan was to play football, shower, have a few pints in the clubhouse and then wander into town and get on it.

    So, while he was in the shower we sprayed ralgex in his boxers and smeared ralgex cream in the end of his shoes.

    Suffice to say that after about 30 minutes he started scratching and shifting about a little nervously but never let on. We stayed quiet about it waiting for him to say something. (the thought was that he would find out, we'd all laugh and he could shower again and then all go out fresh etc).

    So, with our guy itching and walking a little gingerly at this point we wander into town. Not once during the night did he say anything and the more drunk he got the more he forgot about it.

    Until the next morning...

    He had pulled that night and I got a text at 11am asking me to pick him up from where he stayed and to get there urgently.

    So, being the friend that I am, I got dressed and went along to get him. When I got to the house and knocked on the door a young lady answered with a large red rash around her mouth. My friend quickly said his goodbyes and we left.

    When I asked him about the rash he said she had woken him up with a little 'morning present' and then he noticed the red mark appearing so he called me to get him out of there quickly!

    He was actually worried he might have caught something and it wasn't until I explained what we had done before he found the funny side and relaxed.
  17. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Ralgex in the box. Nasty . But funny


    I bet you blamed your mates and told him you were dead set against the idea? .
  18. Malcolm you psychic man. This was the local radio stations topic this morning :)
  19. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    ok another from me .

    a few years ago i worked at a well known pop manufacturers as a artic driver , i shared my truck with a nasty little man who was best friends with the gaffer , he had got the guy who did my job previously the sack and didn't like me .

    my job was to go to mansfield each night at 6pm , drop a full trailer and bring a empty one back , then at the end of my shift connect his trailer for the next day and go home .

    At this depot we had free pop - as much as you wanted , occasionally i took a couple of cans with me and drank them on the way , my day driver hated this and complained to the manager behind my back all the time about me making a mess of he truck screen when i opened the can - tish !!.

    Tbh his constant complaining and the boss always calling me in was getting me down , i asked the day bloke what his problem was and he denied moaning about me , until one day the manager was about and he started going off on one to make me look a fool .

    One morning when hitching up his truck i just had a enough and after connecting it up i pulled the fifth wheel pin out , this meant if he never checked it and drove off , the trailer would drop on its knees and he would spend ages winding it back up and at 5 am this would wind HIM up .

    When i got back in the next night the manager and driver were waiting for me and went mad , they said he had driven off , the trailer had dropped to its knee's , the pallets of pop had fell out of the side as he hadn't done his curtain up and he had snapped all the air lines and electrical suzies when driving off , the company he was delivering to had been on the phone all day and they had to hire another trailer to get the job done , i was getting the sack !!

    Until i asked ( in front of my union rep ) " isn't a driver responsible for his own vehicle and load ? " , they all went quiet , in their haste to blame me they had forgotten a basic rule , A driver should check his vehicle and load himself before taking it out , it is totally his responsibility no one else's and he should have checked it _ he had also he written it on his defect report before driving off

    i went about my night and he was suspended , result and i have never had a moments regret :eek: .
  20. that's less of a prank and move revenge ...

    i like it ...

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