Teenage proverbs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    A bird in the hand will get you into a nightclub

    The devil makes work

    why do today what you can put off til tomorrow

    a friend in need can do it himself

    a little knowledge is alright

    a penny saved is - whats a penny ?.

    a rolling stone - thats that old rocker with the lips .

    don't keep a dog - you might have to walk it .

    he who laugh's last does'nt get the joke .

    Honesty is the best -- way to get in trouble

    It aint over til the fat lady eats her big mac .

    its better to recieve than give .

    its the early bird that gets on your nerves .
  2. My son texted me that he had "smashed a taff" I called him straight away (at 2.15am) and told him fighting is nothing to brag about and I was not impressed. At this point he called me an old fart followed by "you really are getting old Dad" then explained that he had had sex with a welsh girl.....I said " I'll get my coat now" lol
  3. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator


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