Tattoes are they a good thing for older people who are loosing it?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barneyrubble, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. Well i was with a YOUNG lado friend very funny guy at the weekend and i noticed his hand :eek:


    He obviously doesnt have a late bay gearbox but get my drift :D ............................................... any other amusing ones or ones for the elderlyo_O
  2. No good for a LHD car
  3. My mum used to write 'L' & 'R' respectively on my wellies :D
  4. :confused: keh you can have one tat o other hand surely :confused:
  5. Whenever people give me the 'You'll regret it when you're old' speech, I have two stock responses - the first being "F**k you man....i'm already old!" and the second is to refer them to Jay Adams - godfather of skateboarding, an accomplished surfer, and despite his advancing years still ripping it up and just married to a Hawaiian hottie some years younger than he is to boot!. If I live to be half as cool as him, i'll consider my life a success........and he's plastered in ink! :p
    snotty likes this.
  6. True i didnt think off that.

    For me One on each hand would be overkill.

    When I learnt to drive my instructor asked me why do I have R and L on the back off my hand. My answer was you'll soon find out.

    When he said turn right I would go left. Im still no better now giving direction pointing left and saying right.
    Robo likes this.
  7. Absolutely. Medical records for emergencies and post code so you can be returned home.
  8. Love Ink, had my first whilst on honey moon in Mallorca to mark the occasion, chose a design then changed it had it inked & then made him throw it away :D not had anymore, would love to but I'm too much of a wimp so I've got a pair of those fake sleeves for when I go up town :D
  9. luis im not having a dig bud i liked it :oops::hattip:
  10. FTFY robo :D
  11. Not possible, she can't write small enough :oops:
  12. Lol! I know mate.....was more of a general comment ;)
  13. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    The problem with old people and tattoos is having to shave an area to have it done .....
    vanorak likes this.
  14. They shave you regardless of age......its part of the process. The problem with being older is it takes longer to grow back (unless you plan on a nostril or ear tattoo in which case it'll grow out before you've even left the studio lol)
    vanorak likes this.
  15. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    are you jimmy crickett? come here there's more.
    Robo likes this.
  16. ...and for every Jay Adams...there's fifty thousand wheezy, balding, gut-buckets sloping about, with some kind of pseudo-celtic nonsense etched around their pale, flabby biceps;)

    Only kidding...each to their own:thumbsup:
    Rumour has it there's a guy in Bolton with "LOVE and HAT" tatooed on either hand...he lost his little finger in an industrial accident:lol:
  17. Better remember to keep your arms straight at all times.....real sleeves don't wrinkle at the elbows :p
    Robo likes this.
  18. So so true! loooooool
    I don't plan on being one of them though :D
  19. I once knew a biker who had his blood type tatooed on his upper arm.
  20. I worked with a numpty who went for a "squad" regiment and blood group tattoo and guessed at O Pos - he was A Neg! - and I truly worked with a "love hat" bloke who'd lost his finger in a brick moulding machine (nice surprise for a builder!)

    Mr B

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