take your votes people!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by konaboy6284, May 25, 2013.


Should i polish it?

  1. Shiny

  2. Matte

  1. what do you guys think? DSCF0138(smaller).jpg
  2. Don"t know ,but luuuuvvvv that paint job mate ,nice one ! I"d be out cruising in it >>and waving ,lots !
  3. Im a big fan of polishing thing up all shiny

    However i think your bus looks great just the way it is:thumbsup:
    The best way to improve it is to paint it green;)
    Ermintrude and Lardy like this.
  4. Bristol? i can imagine you doing a few parades in that :D
  5. Do whatever you think u should do fella? But I'd paint it green! Lol :)
    Ermintrude likes this.
  6. I'm with Para on shiny things BUT I like the matt effect your bus has and tbh it gives it a unique patina that gets a second glance. If it was shiny it might be too 'in yer face'?
    paradox likes this.
  7. [​IMG]this is shiny
  8. Sure is but if you have something that shiny you would never stop polishing - it'd become an obsession
  9. Am like a magpie..... Love anything shiny and sparkly!!!
    Ermintrude likes this.
  10. What???? Shiny or matt, it doesn't matter cos it's purple :D
    konaboy6284 and Ermintrude like this.

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