Strictlys back, Who's gonna win it

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Woodylubber, Sep 30, 2011.

  1. yes i agree i think anita will go this week
  2. Yes, Anita or possibly Robbie to go this week? Jason, Harry and Chelsee in the top three definitely.
  3. anita or holly ... hmmmm

    i think holly is lazy and anita should stay in longer just because she works harder
  4. hmm i'd forgotten about robbie yes could be him.
  6. Well done meggy
  7. Will it be Robbie this week???
  9. Why does that not surprise me?! I do reckon that must be the reason that he's still in - all the guys are voting for Ola in case she wears the catsuit again!
  11. Robbie has to go this week - Ola kept her clothes on!
  12. Gonna be harry me thinks, make it a mcfly double
  13. Harry is excellent and obviously everyone wants him to win - but I'd like Chelsey to win it.
  14. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Harry Harry Harry.
  16. Jason was in the bottom 2 !!!!!!! I now think i want Chelsea and harry in the final as i think they will do the best show dances.
  17. Chelsee FTW
  18. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    This is a very strange thread.
    We don't have this show, probably just as well really. :))
  19. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Chelsea is too annoying to win but she is good.

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