Stop speaking in tongues.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by top banana racing, Feb 17, 2014.

  1. Look Late Bay peeps, I've been here just over a year so I've no idea what went on before that, there's a whole bunch of us who've been here even less.
    Can someone draw a big map of who likes who and who doesn't and why. I'm so confused. :confused:
    Perhaps even a family tree (if you're not TOO interbred).
    Personally, I've not met anyone I didn't like, all I've ever had has been good advice, good humour and good times and I'm hoping that it's felt that I reciprocate.
    If you continue to squabble I shall tell The Internet Gods and they will SMITE you with Gremlins and you ALL know what happened last time!
  2. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I am not aware that I am not friends with anyone on here. I think you will notice that there is a pattern to the negativity of late. It would be helpful if people who want to just come on here and snipe, were to go and find somewhere else to play. This thread will probably need locking very shortly, but tbh I'm sick to death of it.
    dog likes this.
  3. I don't get it Bern?
    Where's the point in *******ing people off?
    What does it achieve?
    Surely no-one is so low that they can only gain pleasure from the annoyance of others.
    I'm neither clever nor eloquent so I certainly won't indulge in a 'handbags at dawn' style exchange.
    I guess I kinda feel sorry for some people, I want to help them, help them to lead better lives.
  4. I'm Low but i'm also slow. Sorry, this ised to happen in the old days before the war, on Kamperchat. Actually resolved itself when people met each other in real life and discovered they wer'nt so bad after all, live and let live etc etc. It's the weather you know :(
    vanorak likes this.
  5. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    You recruiting for your local church? ;)
    Faust and brothernumberone like this.
  6. keyboard warriors at it again?
    it happens to some degree on all forums. It tends to be a bit worse on car forums because people are quite attached to their cars. I'm a firm beliver in "one man's garbage is another man's gold" Ive seen some lairy looking motors on here but i dont comment and say they look carp. some people dont have the budget or the ability to do things to a great standard.
    There's also a lot on here who think they know it all, and some who clearly do. I'm still learning everything but ive found this site to be a mine of good information.

    probably got the pooey end of the stick (i'm good at that!) I havent read anything too contraversial but then Ive been spending my time on hear researching cylinder heads and looking at major engine faliure lol
  7. War? :eek:
    Wow! I did miss some stuff, was there guns'n'evryfing? Like Gangsters innit?
    I have to say that I'm totally oblivious to any of this.
    I guess it must've been like VZi on a bad day? Full of Trolls with a contrary point of view regardless of how stupid it may be. (So, like Jeremy Vine, then). :thumbsup:
  8. Bugger! I've been rumbled, quick! hide the Watchtower backcopies". ;)
    vanorak likes this.
  9. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    The strength of this forum is the ebb and flow of advice and humour. I think it is great that new people come on and get stuck in and I'm looking forward to meeting and camping with as many as possible this year.

    The main reason that I accepted the invitation to become a mod was to try and help the forum be a nicer place. If that means that I have lost 'friends' then they weren't friends in the first place.
    72wilma, Wispy, Tiny-Pie and 11 others like this.
  10. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    I always have a cup of tea available for you and your friends, I don't get many visitors:confused:
  11. That's because you keep locking them up in the cellar! :eek:
  12. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I was thinking it was quiet here on the smiting front of late.

    The written word, especially in the hands of most of us, isn't an exact science, then add the variable of how it's interpreted and it's never going to be smooth.

    I also think people need to remember, some people have met in real life, and still didn't like one another.
    Tiny-Pie, Lord Charles and vanorak like this.
  13. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    When I notice that a trolling is going on I just pop into the kitchen for a cuppa tea and some popcorn, so I can watch and giggle in comfort. I think it's funny when people take themselves too seriously.
    If you think it's bad here you should go onto one of the childminding sites I'm a member of, they make us look like amateurs.
    MK-Bay, Disco_kegs and vanorak like this.
  14. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    ^this is true!
  15. whats appening :eek:, everyone has off days n poo going on , we non no whats around the corner , but ive said you can all come to my wake so .........................? :D
    @Terrordales don was playing to my sense of humour re my shoes n breaky joke . and anyway they only bawt me cornflakes n my shoes wernt my dirty dancing ones . :confused:
    Terrordales likes this.
  16. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Surely that's a contradiction, or are they blabbing online on a night off?
  17. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    @Barneyrubble god love ya, there are times when Bletchley Park couldn't decipher your posts.

    This is one :):):):)
  18. errm do ya mean this is one :D
    Moons likes this.
  19. so cheese n aftermarket which do you prefer after or super ?
  20. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Shortly after we had our first whipper there was a knock on the door, the missus peeped through the curtains and said " you answer that please" and ran upstairs. At the door was a lady with a magazine. On the cover was a picture of a baby. The lady said " look - a baby - Jesus was a baby" I shut the door quick and went to find her. I've never seen a grown woman hiding in a cupboard before or since. Apparently the lady at the door was related to her in some way.
    S1mon and Silver like this.

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