Stone Roses on University Challenge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dicky, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. Class!!! ;D Manis answer about the person credit to a certain type of mathmatics!

    Er its wierd how er on little thing can er!

    :) :) :)
  2. quality!!!!

    i got tickets for the friday night gig in june but been looking on ebay and there is money to be made

    not sure to sell or go? ian brown cant sing live anyway ive seen him before
  3. quality cant have the volume up mrs asleep ha!
    still laughing just looking
  4. find some headphones its precious!
  5. ha crickets do fart says mrs
    will watch tomoz in surround sound lol!
  6. browns face is mental genius i say!
  7. That is nuts. Very funny

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