Spray Painting / Boxer Dogs

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bruce, Oct 10, 2012.

  1. :mad:Just managed to set the garage up for a final spray of the V Dub, brilliant jaffa. No draught, warm temp. steady hand and ultra confident this was the final act before launching the blessed machine onto
    the open road, adulation and all the rest of it to follow.Trouble was gave my boxer dog a biscuit at this crucial point , he drooled as usual , shook his head, covered the paint in gob, I panicked and wiped the stuff off with my hankie, the rest is now history :(
    Starting again, just thought you should all know :(
  2. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    Spray pinting sounds fun!
  3. Painting certainly ain't.
  4. awww Bruce that's crap!!!

  5. this why barney is barred from any where [​IMG] :thinking:
  6. Agreed.
    Mind you, Boxer snot and orange is quite a mix, what chance in the shows ? ???
  7. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Stick a tlb sticker over it.
  8. Great advice, always knew there was a fix. :))
  9. [​IMG]

    The culprit, Charlie.
  10. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  11. Luv him really :}
  12. haha naughty Charlie!!!

    i've got a naughty Charlie too... :p he's quite a bit smaller and less drooly though!! x
  13. Back in house now that he has apologised. :mad:
  14. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I never knew Boxers drooled >:D
    That's terrible luck & I hope you've learnt the lesson to keep the hairy ones out of the workshop.
  15. We had a boxer for nearly 14 years, dear old girl. She new the exact point when I was sweeping up and had a lovely pile ready to come waltzing straight through it, then sit looking gormless at me.

    I'd give anything to have her do it again.
  16. I thought you were going to say your dog had leaned on the van and was now half orange

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