
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by bay lander, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. Splitty on gumtree 7500 pounds sometimes wish saved a bit more rushed in b4 Mrs smelt the money.
  2. Smells like A scam to me. They're rife on gumtree.
  3. Yeh nearly fell for one last year husband died so on needed quick sale lol.
  4. Don't administration check these scams.
  5. Thankfully they're relatively easy to spot though.
  6. I think they check them out once people have reported them for being a scam advert. If it looks dodgy, there's normally a report button you can hit.
  7. Bad tho isn't it a lot of genuine buyers get ripped off y can't people be nice my mum once or maybe a million times .honesty best policy 3 years this month since lost her.

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