Split vs Porsche

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr B, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. Aww they cut that video off just short of when I came tearing past in my bus and took the split on the inside....

    ...with the pop-top up....
  2. thought it must have been the Swiss Taxi.

    Its a T25 chassis with Porsche 993 mechanicals and split body. Its superbly done, but its about time they had a proper English translation of their website done.

    If they ever went into business to make them they'd make a killing - I want one


  3. You beat me to it Jokes theres some vids somewhere of the build! It is a work of art that bus!!
  4. it must have taken them years to do, I remember seeing those images of the slit cut in 2 longitudinally years ago.

    Did I say I want one? I have grand plans for when I win the lotto in a big way, i'm going to get Abt in Germany to make me a bay race car
  6. if you look through the gallery on their site you see just what went into it. This isn't just a home brew - its a proper race car. They even put a carbon fibre full length roof on it. I reckon build cost on that all in will be knocking on the door of £100k
  7. Just looked at the pics - Carbon fibre roof! No corners cut with this bus.

    I fancy a bay on a T25 platform for the handling and the xtra space.

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