Spare change

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Orangepeel66, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. The Late Bay team is stuck on £904 pounds raised so far for MOvember, this is clearly quite a significant amount however it would be great to go into next week having broken the £1000 barrier. I know what it would mean to all of the brave souls involved and as the itching is somewhat zapping morale any donation would raise spirits. I cheekily thought that I would ask for donations of £1 to start the ball rolling. Also if you are feeling lucky I have named my MO and if anyone would like to guess its name the entry fee is £1, if you are correct you will double your money.

  2. Rubbish maths fail: in my wine fuelled enthusiasm, I thought "I'll just pop on and give him another 6 quid and he'll make a grand." Didn't realise it was 904 and not 994! I'll crawl back into my wine bottle now.

    Oh well, you've got £910 now.

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