Song help please???

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lola, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. Right I'll be uba amazed if anyone gets this but it's driving me nuts...

    I've got this song in my head, I recall it being the first one on a euphoric/trance/dance album I loved and lost. Started off with what sounded like a piano then went really bassie. I won't shleep till the mystery is solved.

    Obviously it's more difficult because I can't hum/warble it to you so if anyone gets it it's karma AND a pint/vodka/etc!!!
  2. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Ha-ha no chance - they all go like that. lol
  3. I know the one, can't think off the name but goes something like, dooo doo dodododdo doooddoooo ^-^
  4. What year ?
    early 90's
  5. Roni size- brown paper bag :eek:
  6. I have decks and loads of tunes that sound like that!
    Where did you hear it / club/radio station
  7. ^^^ I had the CD. But then I had lots of CD's till I left my ex (god I miss that music collection lol). I think it was 2 with a black cover - trying to think what else was on it...
  8. n-trance set you free???
  9. Oo no - heavier than that. PROPER trance
  10. piano bass it was a start O0
  11. Need a year you had the cd ,late 90's?
  12. Hells bells... I'd say more mid naughties. Ish. Maybe :-
  13. quite frankly - could be one of 200 songs
  14. I know - but someone else must have loved it?
  15. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Perhaps it was the Eastenders theme tune in reverse.

    I honestly can't believe someone has posted this on YouTube.
  16. Acen.- trip 2 the moon.

  17. Thanks but frayed knot :(
  18. Am pretty sure the album also had Rui Da Silva - Touch me on it
  19. Early 2000's then
  20. Aye. most probably :)

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