WANTED Solid glass for sliding door and middle

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by Johnboytaz, May 20, 2017.

  1. Need a solid glass window for me bus, waters leaking in badly with the poxy quarters!
    Need some as close to Lincs/sleaford as possible for collection, also if possible the seals too!

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  2. Sliding door and the one opposite ?
    Johnboytaz likes this.
  3. Yea buddy

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  4. I am nowhere near you but have 2 new (best quality seals) may have glass !! I have posted before between ply. Will check glass situation tomorrow !!
    Johnboytaz likes this.
  5. Brill mate how much you looking roughly? Got a fair bit to pay out etc but don't wanna have the window rim rotting away

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  6. Let me check tomoz what glass I have !
    Johnboytaz likes this.
  7. Ok mate appreciate it'

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  8. Barry Haynes

    Barry Haynes I dance in leopard skin mankini’s

    What's wrong with your quarters?
  9. The rubbers are all knackered as there 45 year old lol

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  10. I'm Coventry way. I have some glass £20 each

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    Johnboytaz likes this.
  11. Could try and get to ya at some point if my first port of calls not got any' I'll pm ya if I needs some still! Cheers

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  12. Ok mate no problem

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    Johnboytaz likes this.

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