Since we are in a 70's Vibe - Teasmaids!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Stan, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Yes Teasmaids!

    I recently got a mint unused Goblin Teasmaid off Fleabay as a surprise for my other half.

    I know .....I know..... but she likes them for some reason! :)

    The light and clock work perfectly have not tried the Kettle yet (if the lights dim on the national grid one night this week you will know why!)

    So here it is, an early 70's Goblin Teasmaid Model 854 (for you Goblin Geeks!)

    I have to say it has a certain period charm the pot and kettle are pristine, I am sure people collect these things........

    Attached Files:

    Mrs Majorhangover likes this.
  2. Nice ive always fancied one of those
  3. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    I had one of those back in the day, wish I still had it but I think it went with the ex :)
  4. There are loads on Fleabay but some go for silly money - got this one for £15! Bargain, but postage is £9 as they are so heavy!

    I was going to buy a new one , yes Swan make some today but they are cheapo plastic and £60+ .
  5. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Me parents had one when I was a kid, bloody thing would wake the entire street when the alarm went off.
  6. Funky.
  7. I have not tried the alarm yet ? Worried now? They might think its an Air Raid warning test on the street?o_O
  8. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    We had a different model so you may be OK.
  9. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Get thee behind me Satan. :D

    I think Ms. T has banned me from Evilbay.
  10. I had a Goblin' Teasmade when I was in Thailand, very cheap only twenny five dorrar! ;)
    She didn't make tea though. o_O
    Tiny-Pie likes this.
  11. Oooo that's cracking! I remember my mum and dad having one years ago and I have been eyeing them up for some time as MH is obssessed with drinking tea constantly. I was looking at modern ones originally but they're no fun so I might go retro and get one on ebay like you :D

    The only thing that bothers me is the milk. You'd have to use UHT which is bleugh or get up and get it out of the fridge in which case you might as well make a cup of tea seeing as you're in the kitchen anyway o_O
  12. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    You could learn to drink the tea black :rolleyes: :p
  13. I tend to drink Black tea with Lemon but you could just buy a cheap Thermos flask and keep cold milk in that.
    I know what you mean about UHT ! Probably made from Horsemeat like everything else?!o_O
  14. Tea! Black? Do you have mental health issues? ;)
    There is only one REAL British tea - Builders! Strong white with two. Everything else is just badly flavoured water. o_O
  15. Hmmm you can tell MH that! That's like asking him to cut off an arm, not gonna happen! ;):p
    Terrordales likes this.
  16. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Depends how warm/hot you have your bedroom of a night, i'm sure are parents put milk in the cups the night before and were ok.
    Mrs Majorhangover likes this.
  17. That's a very good point! We don't have the heating too high so keeping it in an air tight bottle might work :cool:
  18. That's so rude :)...
  19. Les Dawson book of Jokes 1976 I think?
  20. Might have known you'd spot the wayward apostrophe...attention to detail etc. :)

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