Should we be giving £140 billion more to the banks??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Barneyrubble, Jun 15, 2012.

  1. When will they ever learn??
  2. No we shouldn't but as there are no other plans then yes we should. It's fingers in the air economics.
  3. Ridiculous. They are just bank rolling gamblers.
  5. ?
  6. I had a brief conversation with my busines bank about funding for large projects a few years ago and was told the only way I could borrow was an overdraft secured on my house, paid for in advance and on an annual basis whether I used it or not. I didn't bother. Giving the banks access to cheap money won't make them change their lending policies, just the interest rate (slightly, I'm sure).

    As a separate point regarding lending, in general the banks are lending less and we are spending less of that money that we never had on tat made in China, so shop sales are down and we're in recession. I'm not sure that's a bad thing in the long run.
  7. Pod


    It's fine if they do as promised and lend to uk businesses and consumers, problem is that we no longer have the faith that they will. Robbing dogs.....

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