Should I put grease on oil stainer gaskets

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Vincent Price, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. Hi seen on just kampers " how to change oil video " it ses put grease on oil strainer gaskets....good idea or more likely to leak any thoughts
  2. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

  3. Yes, why not?
    Vincent Price likes this.
  4. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Pretty sure I used to, just the smeariest of smears, same with the rocker cover gaskets. Some don’t I know but I never had any leaks :thumbsup:
    Vincent Price likes this.
  5. Why not buddy
  6. davidoft

    davidoft Sponsor

    no need , gasket is for gasketing
    Vincent Price and Jack Tatty like this.
  7. MrDavo

    MrDavo Supporter

    I have always used a quick smear of grease on most gaskets, unless the manual tells me not to, mainly because I’ll be glad I did one day when I take it apart again. Life is too short for scraping off stuck bits of gasket, I’ve had some mares, especially stripping bike engines that have been laid up for decades.
    snotty likes this.
  8. ...and don't overtighten the sump plug
    oil plug.jpg

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