Should being a fat batardo be a disability

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dicky, Dec 18, 2014.


are you happy to do your colleagues work cos hes a lard bucket and needs a rest?

Poll closed Dec 25, 2014.
  1. Yes - I love chubbies and they need their rest

  2. No - they need to crack on and possibly lose some pounds

  3. Im flabberghasted and therfore unable to respond!!!

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Someone having a laugh? Addicted to cake and sedentary pastimes. Well- keep it up! Get a parking space outside your office, wider doors, rests because your tired and have your colleagues do your work cos you cant. Be handled with kid gloves by your boss cos hes scared to death of a disability claim.

    Incidentally - if you think im a weight fascist then i advise i am indeed overweight but thats cos im greedy and dont do enough excercise. Sweet baby Jesus.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
  2. redoxide

    redoxide Guest

    Its the way of the wonky world these days... :(
  3. Depends on so many things it would be wrong of me to judge
    matty likes this.
  4. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    I love this country. Instead of just standing up and admitting we are XYZ we have to justify it with a label and use it as an excuse.

    I do wonder if there'll be fat rights and marches in London. A bit like pride or Notting Hill carnival but with bloats instead of floats. Gee that will be one slow march. Burger anyone??
    Woodylubber, Flakey, Dicky and 2 others like this.
  5. Your making me hungry.
    paradox likes this.
  6. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

  7. A gem.

    Re Dicky's bod: have you considered offering him one last waafer-thin mint...?
    brothernumberone, Moons and Dicky like this.
  8. Its all abit daft, i am larger than average and i wouldnt dream of calling myself disabled.
  9. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    Hey! I'm big boned.
    It's glandular.
    It's not my fault, i can't excersise i have bad knees.
    snotty, Woodylubber and Moons like this.
  10. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

  11. Now the law has been passed, the people will eat more because there is a safety net and more cash for them,more fast food places will need to open ...:rolleyes:

    Good timing been christmas...;)

    Get in fast and open a quicky burger near you...:thumbsup:
  12. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

  13. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    The only issue I have with certain self inflicted conditions is that by calling it a disability,this not only insults those with genuine disabilities , it also means people can abdicate responsibility for thier own unhealthy lifestyle. I eat too much chocolate n biscuits and my cholesterol is probably not too good, but that's down to me. That said, overeating can be linked to mental health issues, but that is another debate altogether.
  14. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    They gonna link arms and manage two, maybe three abreast?

    The food industry has a lot to answer for over content, however...

    When people are dragged to the shops, and forced to buy crap (rather than cheaper non processed food), then tied to a chair and forced's hard to be sympathetic.

    I agree there are exceptions as @paradox says, but the huge majority could simply sort it by taking responsibility for their own diet and health.

    But that won't happen when an industry and jobs can be gleaned by making them not responsible... a gluttons agenda.
  15. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    It's difficult to argue that overweight peeps with knackered joints heaving themselves around aren't disabled.
    The "self-inflicted" thing is the point.
    I have little sympathy having watched a woman double in weight through pure greed while blaming everything but her her own gluttony. The fact that she ate twice as much as I do fell on deaf ears as the truth is inconvenient.
  16. it has a medical term its called
    owen nw
    marigold13 and MorkC68 like this.
  17. Have to agree with Zed,'s self inflicted! Anyone trying to claim on the system should be locked in room and just fed on a few fish heads until they are no longer fat. Problem solved. (if a little harshly)
    Mark&Laura likes this.
  18. matty

    matty Supporter

    just to be devils advocate

    what about someone whos injured doing sport or crashing their car that's self inflicted

    Its the normal tabloid hype
    all that's being talked about is in some instances the employer has to make reasonable changes to suit a large persons need, this is in place now anyway under discrimination and disability acts
    It takes nothing away from you can get rid of somone if they are unable to do the work

    What i hate is the cash points that are low down i am 6'3 and its hard work bending down
  19. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    If you're going to be Devils advocate you need to make more of an effort with your examples ;)

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