Shed loads of parts

Discussion in 'Late Bay Parts Classifieds' started by happyharry, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. Not sure if this is allowed but if not mods please delete and accept my apologies.

    A friend of mine had bought a shed load of aircooled vw parts (approx
  2. Any late bay glass?
  3. you'll need a list of parts and prices, then you won't have to plough through a series of requests :)
  4. Thermostat and under engine tin-ware (type 4) ?
  5. Are these used parts or NOS that he has for sale?
  6. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    bottom tin under push rods to engine/heat exchangers?
  7. delux bulkhead trim? tops and sides

    pm me
  8. How about the dash and clocks?
  9. Deluxe Bulkhead trims? :D RHD Sliding door?
  10. Ok guys. Leave them with me and will give him a list to have a look. Will come back to you all shortly.

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