Security systems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by alanred7, Feb 26, 2012.

  1. Does anybody have a warning system fitted too your house,

    Crazylady and i was over the river with friends and thought on the way back we would scoot by Magical Trevors and see how the Houghs were.

    Upon arrival it was obvious that Magical Trevor was still tucked up in bed, so we started up Winnie and quietly pulled away.

    Well i received a txt from Trevor last night saying his early warning security system had spotted us outside
    his house.

    So what has anybody else got as security.
  2. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    It's called The Terrordales. ^-^
    Anyone comes through the gate & not only do we know about it but so does the entire neighbourhood.
  3. ha! I was just about to say Puca; anyone who has ever come close to the van will testify to her 'visitor proximity alert' ;D
  4. I'm just saying the words "Viking Volksfest" and "Pingu Security"...

  5. Before anyone thinks I was being lazy and sleeping the day away I was on the grave yard shift so thats why I was tucked up in bed when Mr bumpalot came round.!! ;)

    And had my works van not been dumped infront of the bus he wouldve seen the "This is a pingu watch area sign" (thanx crazy caver!) and it wouldve all made sense! ;D ;D

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