Scott Maplin lived the dream - once

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Poptop2, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Has anyone ever wanted to live out a dream , you know play lead guitar for your fave band live in front of thousands , sing lead for the clash or be the drummer for the vaccines ? Well way back in the 70s a guy called Scott maplin did !

    He had travelled to the gig at cow palace San Francisco a four hour drive without a ticket to meet his friend and see his heroes the Who - the biggest band on the planet in 73 , they got tickets outside the gig and he his friend and 13000 others went in .

    Just before the gig Keith Moon had snorted a little pick me up , some elephant tranquiliser - as you did in those days :- and halfway through the gig he collapsed , a trifle unusual for elephant tranquiliser , it usually kills you , but eh oh it was Moonie and he did survive - for a bit ::)

    Any how Pete Townsend tries to drag him back on but he was too far gone , so Pete asks the audience if there is a good drummer in the house , Scott gets up on stage , they give him a short intro , play a few chords to get him into it and away he goes , he was living the dream , he knew every beat and every nuance of Keith Moons drummng , he knew every song and played brilliantly -- hard drummer to mimmick was Moonie , mad as a hatter but one of the greatest drummers ever , but this guy ( who was just a kid ) did it , he lived the dream once .

    3.37 is where you want to start it :)

    Keith Moon Collapses at Cow Palace (condensed version)

    Just once in your life hey ? :) :)
  2. good stuff that elephant tranq. lol
  3. :yeah that:

  4. Similar thing happened to me at a Susan Boyle gig once. Except this involved elephant tranquilliser and a dart gun. :)
  5. ... I used to dream of getting up from the crowd to replace Malcolm Young in AC/DC after he had a too few many bevies!! Really, aged 11 though.

    I've seen that footage before but never of the fan who replaced Keith. There must be more of that knocking around.
  6. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  7. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Never happened to me, but I'd love to be able play in a band with either Clapton or Knopfler.

    We have a friend in Sydney who is a photographer for one of the newspapers, he went along to the sound check last time Clapton played here & took his 12 y.o. daughter with him ( she's a fan :) ). She took her electric guitar along hoping to get God himself to maybe sign it. He did more than that, after the check he brought her on stage & they both plugged in & played.
    Her Dad & I were more than just a wee bit jealous but we admit she probably plays better than either of us & we stood no chance of ever getting to play with Clapton.
  8. Wow
  9. Thats a wicked story

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