scc 2012

Discussion in 'Show Event Photos' started by holmsen, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    cool, what was your time?
  2. The hunt for a sub 14 is still on. 14,36 :)
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    did you do your best though or break traction? that's a fast time what would make it less? (don't say more power!) i meant on the day could anything have helped. nice one on beating your mate though.
  4. SCC is the only event in Norway with dragracing, = no possibilities to practise.
    Saturday it was raining so Sunday was the only day with racing. I got 7 runs and started with a 14,77. Shaved off some time on every run and ended up on the last one with a 14,36. I'm sure that losen got a sub 14 in it, it's all up to me, finding the best tirepressure for grips,,the right rpm on engine when i drop the clutch, shifting gears at the right time, as fast as possible,list goes on.
    Overall,,very happy with beating Terje, his crew cab got a T1 with a BIG turbo on it with approx 350-380 hp
  5. Excellent, thanks for sharing. Looks like you had some good races! :) Well done!

    Take it the racing will be the same time next year - so we will be over too late! :(

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