remote control caravan

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by shielsy, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. my self and edeles and the 2 boys done a 5 day tripp around n ireland BRILLANT CRACK , was in a camp site in greencastle near killkeel was sitting in the caravan watched a man drive in , i said to edel he l never reverse that in that spot at that angle , next thing he unhutched and started reversing it with a remote controll , i nearly fell laughing , then out with his new power battrey drill with long extension and wound down the legs , made urs look cheap lol owen nw ::) :laugh2:
  2. There Motor moves mate great if you have a bad back very easy to move . Ive not got them my self but I have got the bad back lol
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    yeah its a motor that drops a drive onto a tyre and powers it, great for tight spaces or your drives etc
  4. They are wheel chair motors. The factory that assembles the caravan motors is in Christchurch, Dorset.

    The company, a small engineering firm employs about 15 people. Rumour had it they were struggling and the owner came up with the idea and business is booming.
  5. i saw someone using a remote control a few weeks back - totally blocked the road in the process of reversing their caravan into their drive off a main dual carriage way
  6. Saw a chap in the Black Forest using one to shift a huge caravan about, it was quite impressive
  7. i was well impressed big boys toys lol owen nw

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