If we’re doing some gal stuff, I’ve always loved this one and you just don’t get to hear it now, Ozziedog,,,,,,,,luvvin it
It’s a matter of taste I guess . Heavy dub reggae leaves me a bit cold, I much prefer some Ska or Rock Steady where you can still hear the tune < ducks for cover>
I like it all... but... stuff like the police one above leave me cold. I do like the original police version though.
I like it all but I've always been particularly attracted no the more extreme ends of musical genres... I like to think anyway. I played reggae bass with a fantastic reggae but all round brilliant Jamaican drummer for a few years. He'd say, Steve - heavy roots reggae, dub reggae, they have a lot in common with heavy metal - trying to get that "whatever it is" out. Listen to reggae lead guitar - heavy, drums heavy but the rolls are backwards as a finger up. The whole music is one big finger. Like heavy metal.
^ at the same time, the singer was a bona fide Jamaican child star 15-20 years on and his view was "Play some lovers Rock or I won't sing.
I still play the album regularly, Rastaman Vibration, Bob & Wailers of course. I think when they did 'Concrete Jungle' on The O.G. Whistle Test they won instant respect on the 'Rock' scene.