Rear hub broken , can it be saved !

Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by Baybug, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. I've took my rear hub of to find there is a bit cracked of inside now someone has said it could be part of the bearing race !
    I've took the bearings out on the out side off the hub closes to wheel but could not find what the book said would be a cir clip bit ended up takeing the bearing case apart !
    Anyway this is the bit if anyone could shed some light on it for me [​IMG]
  2. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Is the broken bit not the circlip? The ring with the writing stamped into it looks like an outer bearing race? I'm sure an expert will correct me soon though!
  3. That broken bit would appear to be part of the inside edge of the outerbearing ring. Not the hub itself. Just a matter of knocking the ring out....from the inside if you see what I mean.
  4. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  5. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  6. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    3oclock on picture no1 looks like the sharp edge of a circlip, clean some more grease off and take another pic looking straight down, if it is a circlip it'll need prising out first before you can drift the bearing race out.
  7. Right then I've took the sharp bit completely out now and it looks like it was a Clip and I'm now left with this [​IMG][​IMG]
    I take it now need the bottom bearings out to be able to drive the race out
  8. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    The round bit left in forward of the circlip needs to come out and be replaced with a new bearing !

    soz just read your bit at the bottom :-[
  9. Flakey

    Flakey Supporter

    Taking the bottom bearing out doesn't look like it'll help much, might give you a little more access, just need to get a sharp edged drift in the groove that the clip came out of, should be able to do that through the bottom bearing!
  10. Only thing that puzzles me is if the circlip was between the raised centre section of the hub casting and the bearing , just what was it supposed to be doing? The only ones I've ever seen are on the outside holding the bearing in place. Or have I got it all wrong :))
  11. matty

    matty Supporter

    dont think that was a clip just the edge of the baring housing
    the bit with the righting need to come out use a large flat headed screwdriver and knock it out from the other side

    Have a look at the new bearing and you will see what i mean
  12. Ok the bottom bearing is out with the c clip but I'm left with this I did drop in by mistake and have now smashed this [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
  13. Only just seen the other post guys , right I've chiseled the bit out and all is good yet again it's me not looking properly and the late bay members putting me right , think there is only a c clip on the bottom not the top this bearing is just pressed in by the looks of it
  14. New bearing I found are best bought from vw heritage and everything needs to be clean and they need to be pressed in square , you will also need a decent pair of circling pliers to put the circling in , care should be taken when installing the grease seals as these also need to go in square
  15. Cheers for the info mate I'll get them pressed at the local garage I think
  16. You could make up a two plates and a bolt to pull them in . As long as they go in square there are no massive forces needed to put them in

    Wher are you located ?
  17. That was something I was looking at I've got all thread some were , I'm in Tamworth mate not got the bearing yet was going to pick some up from gsf soon

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