Rattle Can Idiot

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by mikedjames, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    Yesterday I was replacing the rear brake pads and I thought it would be nice to paint the outside of the drums black so I dont have to look at rusty cast iron through the spokes of the alloys.

    A bit later on I had two aerosol cans side by side on the ground beside me. One black paint the other brake cleaner. Both out of direct line of sight. Both with caps off.

    Which can did I pick up and use to clean something with ?

    Fortunately it was only trying to clean up the one rear cylinder that wasnt leaking brake fluid as a 'spare'.
  2. sANDYbAY

    sANDYbAY On benefits-won't sponsor!

    Lucky your phone didn't ring, you could have been scrubbing black paint out of your ear.
    Moons, Disco_kegs and Mark S like this.
  3. Sorry @mikedjames ...i thought you were expressing a wish to change your Avatar...
    it's a good 'un....Rattle Can Idiot
  4. dog

    dog Tea Boy

  5. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

    Rattle Can Idiot....great name for a band too :thumbsup:
  6. Electric Choke Module's 23rd album
    Dicky and Jack Tatty like this.
  7. Painting surface of rear drums = idiot

    Do you want to lose a wheel?
  8. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I'm genuinely intrigued...would a couple of coats of aerosol do that of sprayed on the outside?
  9. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    Only if someone steals the wheel while your inside waiting for the paint to dry!
  10. paint the surface of the drum, bolt the wheel to it and drive.... brakes get hot, thickness of paint melts and the wheel starts to get loose.... well one will one side, the other side will tighten. You should not paint metal to metal facing surfaces.

    you can get away with a very light dusting (under 0.002 inches thick) however drums rust, people reapply the paint... ... wheels come off
  11. How?o_O I don't believe the paint would actually 'melt' and I doubt that the drum would get hot enough to actually burn the paint off like a hot air gun/blow torch.
  12. Iv heard this before my pals drums are painted in chassis black over 10,000 miles still got all wheels but I'm not chancing it iv painted mine bit will rub down
  13. It's correct in theory but unlikely to happen in practise. Easy way to avoid the problem is to mask off the area of the drum which sits directly against the wheel and spray the bit you see.
    Technohippy likes this.

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