
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by jivedubbin, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. So camperjam tickets go on sale in a couple of weeks ,are you going to rush in to buying them ,all this rain we are having now puts a damper on it for me .I do like camperjam but feel slightly miffed with the way it was handled this year ,i think an olive branch needs to held out here to get ticket sales going .,
  2. I think a complete lack of any earlybird/previous customer discount will cause me to keep my money until closer the time and make my decision then.
  3. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

    im not pre-booking any shows again after this year, I only pre-booked Camperjam anyway as the year before it was epic
  4. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I'm not going to rush to get tickets - make them wait. I'll get the time off covered though. Don't want that to be my only Camperjam :(
  5. It was my first camperjam and it put me off going again.

    My favourite show was skegvegas, it was great. Plenty of space for camping and a really nice chilled out show. I guess the weather did help though :)
  6. Don't think we will book next year we camped up on the top field in HWYPI , there were lots of non VW types, playing football, chucking tennis balls around and playing cricket right between our vans.
    They really didn't care.
    If we do go we will prob come to club camping.
  7. Probably not going due to the complete lack of understanding or empathy from organisers. Just a - yes we got it wrong and considering you did actually turn up heres some form of consideration type aproach would have been nice but its all gone quiet. were just sheep to them and they are no different to the vanfest lot!
  8. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

  9. I was told on Camperjam Sunday (as a trader) that someone would be in touch 'next week' regarding what had happened over the weekend and as yet I'm still waiting.
  10. We might have sunk by then ???
  11. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    We will be going but then we did have the only dry field in the place ;D as for when booking have to see.
  12. i'll be booking right away :)
  13. the distance to shows puts me off more than the weather
  15. well want to go but not booking straight away as we are skint
  16. Can't wait for next year...one bad-weather year out of 4...or 5? it's a deffo for us :)
  17. I'd normally rush to buy tickets for things and make a start at planning trips for the coming year around events like this, but I think we'll be holding off till nearer the time. If there's no benefits from booking early, then there's no point in playing russian roulette with the weather. That said, we absolutely loved it last year - it was our first festival; the first summer with our van; and at the end of a lovely week in Wales. I was like a kid after too many sweets! TBH, I've tried to wipe from my memory this year's CJ so it doesn't leave me with too bad a feeling about the event.
  18. yes although we are skint we do want to go i'm just not booking immediately like last year - i don't think the boys would be too happy if we didn't go they loved it this and last year. After the rain at greenbelt camperjam's mud was nothing. so i've forgotten about it now.
  19. We had a good time, mud and all, so we will be there next year also

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