Radical Move

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by yorkshirecampers, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. Tomorrow I am doing something radical.

    I'm giving Arthur his first ever wash after owning him for 10 months :eek:

    I am scared of what will happen when I wash the rust away ;D
  2. poor Arthur :( to have such a neglectful family ;) as compo buy him something nice!
  5. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    I wonder what colour he is :thinking:
  6. It' never good washing alex orange runs from the gutters and black runs from the window seals.
  7. The peugeot was washed this week for the first time in living memory and I didn't recognise it in the supermarket carpark afterwards!
  8. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

  9. we have eastern european gentlemen to wash our cars
  10. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

  12. So...both Arthur and I got a thorough cleaning today.

    Turns out badly fitted cab doors + 2cm gap + pressure hose = bad idea

  13. ... and that's why we don't go through carwashers with Wilma anymore ::)

    imagine multicoloured foam pouring through the cab doors and a mad scramble to find something to block up the gaps ;D
  14. Watch out for cheapo screen wash too it dissolves flyscreen in your front grille and leaves a dirty black mark on your paintwork when it drobbles down the front of the van, :eek:
  16. we only did it the once, Julie remembers leaving the sunroof open on her old car though, so it must be her :))

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