
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by johnnysensi, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  2. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    just incase it gets a bit deep we are also discussing which bird out of steps would get it on the other channel.
  3. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

  5. I think it was Captain Beefheart that once said " If we wernt all coloured then nobody would be able to see us " or words to that effect
    Why do lots of us say stuff like "some of my best mates are black/indian/chinese etc" shouldnt it be " some of my best mates are my mates, end of "
  6. this still rattling on - dont mention the Irish
  7. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    It's ok as I read it, everyone's just saying they ain't racist. Some put it in a way the chimes with some. Others with others. :)
  8. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

  9. When I was a nipper we were kicking off with the catholics and vica versa then the brothers got brave and then it was us and the catholics (and the Sikhs) against them and then I got substituted at half time and moved to white-mans land where we had a token black person and all the asians were Hindi. (better curries if your a veggi)

    If I still lived in my home town I would be in an ethnic minority. (Accrington btw)
  12. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  13. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  14. Moons

    Moons Guest

  15. Great post Moons.

    Many years ago, I had a long relationship with a woman of a different race to mine, Asian. She was of a different religion too. Well, I never saw it that way because I'm of no religion. And I never saw her as a 'different race' either. She was just the woman I loved. And after a couple of years we began to dicsuss marriage. And at that point she went and told her family about me. I never saw her again. She just wrote me a letter saying it couldn't go on as she'd be banished by her family, some of whom had made death threats. She moved, she changed her number, she literally disappeared.

    Today I'm married to a 'foreigner' (as some folk refer to her as). It's funny, I've never once seen her as a 'foreigner'. To me, she's just my wife, the woman I love, the mother of our children. Because she's 'different' (as some folk describe her), she gets a hard time. I stuggle to understand sometimes just how hard things can be for her.
  16. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    it's wrong to treat people differently due to pre conceived ideas. if everyone had a bit of respect and self control i do think the world would be a better place.
    we can blame religion and colours etc for the worlds problems but at the end of the day we are all human and i think tolerance and respect are key to moving 'differences' forward in any society. if as adults can't or will not do this how can ew expect the next generation to do so?
  17. If it wasnt for a Sikh temple i would have starved on my final year and a half at uni. I used to pop in for a free veggie curry now and again. Lovely people.

    I only have an irrational hatred for man united supporters, and then its only for 90mins every weekend. After that I'm fine with them.

    Oh apart from Thatcher. I really do loathe that woman and wish her to pop her cloggs asap.
  18. Remember that scene in Brassed Off the movie. the miner dressed as a clown in church:

    [about God]
    Phil: [as Mr. Chuckles] What's He doing? He can take John Lennon. He can take those three young lads down at Ainsley Pit. He's even thinking of taking my old man. And Margaret bloody Thatcher lives! What's He sodding playing at, eh?

    Sorry you said ''Thatcher and I kind off misted over there.

    Maybe I should stroll over to the Tory thread..

    Gotta say folks, great thread, really got down to it, tribute to this forum that subjects like this get the sincerity it deserves. We're not just b's & g's with their toys!

  19. Funny,
    Typed in _Clown_ and got

    You guys ^-^
  20. Sorry Steve, you've lost me there mate. I dunno what you're on about.

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