Queens Julibee

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by b0dyr0ck2006, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. After watching tonight's concert and having to explain to this missus what it is al about and why its important I've decided I'm a definite royalist. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! (and the monarchy).

    On another note, I wish I had been there, I love live concerts, nothing better in my opinion that hearing instruments as they should be heard. The dawn of MP3's have killed true sound quality.

    So with that in mind, enjoy a little Pink Floyd:

    Pink Floyd HD - PULSE Full Concert (Live at Earls Court, 1994)
  2. I love Pink Floyd but they have an army of folk behind the scenes at their concerts messing about with every sound produced by the instruments before they reach the speakers.
  3. Well said, And she is a great figure head for a great nation.
  4. And a great head for the commonwealth not to forget the wonderful work she does for Briton.

    And pink flloyd may have an army of sound engineers behind them but a long as its sound good I don't care.....

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