Pumpkins or the more traditional turnip for Jack'o'lanterns?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by hippyrichy, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. Another suggested topic from the putting the world to rights thread. . .
  2. You know I'm going to say pumpkins
  3. pumpkins, less blisters and pumpkin pie is nice ;)
  4. A bloke a help made one out of a butternut squash. It looked great.
  5. Bit small turnips...
  6. Jack Tatty

    Jack Tatty Supporter and teachers pet

  7. Tthe traditional jack o'lantern was a swede/gert big turnip, it's an Irish tradition based on Stingy Jack, that became Americanised. When I was a nipper (start the violins) it was always a turnip and my poor dad would take a week to carve the begger out, the smell of singed turnip is one that is etched in my brain, it's vile, far worse than pumpkin. So turnip for memories, pumpkin for practicality.
  8. Hallowe'en's also time for the PĂșca! The one time of the year the dog doesn't get dressed up, she is the devil goblin dog!
  9. turnips. Carving a turnip out and lighting a candle in it - mmm, that smell, very Proustian
  10. so are you carving a turnip for the Hallowe'en camp?
  12. if you're carving a turnip, better start tonight ;)
  14. they stink the house out owen nw O:)
  15. When I was a kid it was always a swede for me, I used to love carving it as I ate all the raw flesh - yes I was a wierd child >:D

    Oh and as for the smell I have always found it quite pleasant............

    Now though I am a pumpkin person, I love them ;D
  16. It was always turnips when I was a kid, pumpkins are a lot easier though!!! ;D

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