pull along carts for kids?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ermintrude, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. does anyone have one of the pull a long carts for their little ones?

    i would like to buy one for my nephews second birthday but my brother isn't keen (he's the sensible one of the family). are they ok/safe/useful or just a vw accessory only to be taken out for shows????

    i like the retrowagen plus here http://www.retrowagen.com/
  2. Machine Mart sell them too. The only difference is the retrowagon logo. The Machine Mart one is plain. Same price as well.
  3. They are as safe as the person pulling them but I think if you were to pull kids around tesco's in one you would look a bit of a prat. kids love pulling them around so get one for the nephew to play with, not as a replacement for a pushchair
  4. Kids will need to be supervised if there is a 2yo in it. when they do tip over through over aggressive cornering the passenger is rolled out rather than flung so should be not too many injuries.
    The ones with inflatable tyres go over rough ground/long grass better. We had solid wheels, though you wont have to deal with punctures and pumping the tyres up periodically with those
  5. [​IMG]

    I'm going to get one of these
  6. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    When we had little ones, the standing joke when it was birthday time was if you disliked the parents, buy their kid something huge (looks generous) and plastic the parents had to store/transport/live with etc, but couldn't sling without tantrums. Maybe that's where your Bro's coming from...

    Something very very noisy that didn't rely on batteries did the same job. ;)

    [Edit] Not the dislike bit, the big thing part. :)
  7. We use ours for more than VW shows. Everything where its too far to walk and not suitable for their bikes really. Last wagon outing was Bonfire Night.
  8. we have a wooden one that is great the boys love it the wood panels fold flat but the base and wheels still take up a lot of space
  9. we used ours while the little ones were cutting the grass

  12. My youngster is a bit big now, but when she was younger - slept through some major festival acts in hers, including The White Stripes, Kasabian and The Arctic Monkeys!!!
    8) 8) 8)
  15. I started spraying my daughters one today to match my bus [​IMG]
  16. I feel a

    ' Show us your wagon ' thread coming on :D
  17. I now use mine around the garden. Good as a weed bucket or for holding / moving big bags of compost around.
  18. Mine is my mobile workshop. Shed is at the bottom of the garden, van in the street. The simplest of jobs would see me travel back an forth for each spanner, socket or bit of wire.

    Since getting the wagon i have put on 2 stone ( just dont get the exercise these days )

    :thinking: They can carry 95 kg you know!!
  20. get one of these instead. It will stop him getting wet and cold ;D


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