Puca, Diggy Womble at Formby...and a few Demon Dubs from Southport

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by yorkshirecampers, Mar 11, 2012.

  1. Lovely sunny day in Yorkshire today, so clearly the best idea was to head West to avoid all manner of sunshine ::)

    We met the Wilmas over at Formby Point and the dogs all had a great time at the beach/woods/dunes. Brew up in the car park, much admiring of the Wilma's denim-trimmed Beetle (much jealousy) and then onto Demon Dubs at Southport for a (very quick!) hello to Marc, Bev, Duffy & Grace and a nosy round some very nice dubs.

    Womble in his standard driving position (must get some magnets to keep that blooming locker shut!)

    Diggy & Womble at the beach:



    Heading to the woods with the Wilma's

    Puca is determined to fit as many pine cones in as she can

    And then enjoys a good roll

    Off to Southport for a nosey



    I want a cyclops - stupid Arthur and his stupid super viking roof :-(


    More cyclops

    And one for Trev:
  2. Much jealousy at your lovely day! 8)
  3. How cool!
  4. :) Great to see you all again! Fantastic photos Pascale :) We protected you from sun stroke hahahaha
  5. looks a better day than mine as we ve spent the day emptying tony to promptly give him a sweep out and restock ready for spring camp then taking george for a new ARMY sleeping bag
    then a little shopping trip to how mork puts it posh morrisons got some funny looks parking tony up there :)
  6. Nice to see you all ;D

    It was freezing was it not? LOL :eek:
  7. Looking good like you all enjoyed a day at the seaside
  8. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    great pics!!
  9. Where the heck can i get one of those stickers? >:D. You shouldve gone east zoe we were redders over here
  10. Great pics. Some cool rides! :)
  11. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    looked like a lovely day, was redders in norfolk!
  12. it was bluers on the west coast ;D

    still is :shiver:
  13. Lovely and sunny in Yorkshire yesterday - I had to close the curtains to stop the sunlight getting in the way of a Mass Effect 3 session.
  14. Made me laugh last night when they said on the beeb weather that it had been 18.8 degrees in Nottingham. Yes, well. Very nice :mad: It was about minus 18 in Southport :mad: :eek:
  15. I couldn't warm up all night, it took a scalding hot bath to sort me out :shiver:

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