postage on parts.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by I changed your name in error. Contact dog, Sep 25, 2012.

  1. this is by no means a dig at some of our mail order Bus parts suppliers, as they are helpfull and without them would be stuffed but.. here it comes, have you noticed alot are free postage over £50 web thats great if its over £50 but you want say 4 ball joint covers and and set of points,, the postage can be owt from 3 to 6 quid. i know the post isnt cheap these days but crikey it makes me wince when i see it added at the bottom of the order. sorry just had to get it off my chest...P+P INCLUDED. :-X
  2. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    i know what you mean buddy, but i'd imagine they get hundreds of small orders and that they just cant afford to absorb it into their prices.
    is a nightmare though :(
  3. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    I deliberately held back on ordering some big parts and expensive finishing parts and ordered these 1 at a time, everytime I needed some smaller parts. This didn't always work but does help a bit during a big resto. Also it's good to go to a couple of shows and have a face-to-face haggle now and then. :)
  4. too true, its just the items you need to get you on the road asap which only cost few quid but cant afford the £50 list you made for free p+p. but hats off to em they do seem to get them to you pretty quick... bless em. moan over ;D
  5. Silver

    Silver Needs points/will pay!

    Yep...been there. There is always something you forget off "the list". :mad:

    Now its's buying odd bits that break and paying postage on them. :)
  6. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    As long as they are honest about the costs I see no problem its when the P+P seems to be a figure picked out the air I dislike.
  7. I had my parts posted once when I was at school, very painful experience!
  8. so right bruv ! aint no doubt bout it some co"s are deffo factoring in profit to there postage , i ordered an item a while back , size and weight of a cig packet , cost £40 , they wanted £10 to send it , not special delivery ! called mega bug , same order £5 for postage, says it all !
  9. I brought a ball joint boot costing £5.50 that needed replacing for the MOT postage was not mentioned when I placed the order over the phone. When the invoice and card receipt came they added on £4.50 for postage! When I called them to complain the lady wouldnt refund the cost and just said did I want to return the boot! nice! Worst thing is that it only cost them 71p to post >:D
  10. its not just the actual postage costs its the packaging as well , tho i think they should charge what it costs and no extra . Post anything royal mail and it`ll cost an arm and a leg .
  11. matty

    matty Supporter

    I agree postage can be a bit high but it is not just the postage costs its got to cover someone to go and get the part and pack it
    if you spend over a amount they must make enough profit in the order to absorb the cost
  12. i had a lady on vzi going mad to get my devon table and 2 legs , i said i would sell to her for "£25 she arranges carriage , i sent on pics , and offerd to have it wrapped and collected witha mate of mine in parcelforce , ie its 12 kg , i said iwould get it sent for £12 all in ,
    her was her reply
    Hi really interested, but can you do it for £35 delivered as totally skint, also what colour is the edging strip, cheers Elizabeth
    her was mine to her

    sorry ill pass sorry we couldnt deal owen nw
    what the hell did she want my blood ,
    owen nw
  13. I don't think postage is to bad. I've spent loads on fuel and wear and year to the van so I think it pays in the long run.
  14. I try and get all the little stuff that would cost too much on postage at shows. Problem is, it's that little stuff that parts sellers don't bring to shows!!! :mad: If I had a pound for every time I was told by a parts seller at a show "sorry mate, no, we haven't brought any of those. Got some back in the warehouse though....." :mad:
  15. I understand the need for charges to cover any additional postage and packaging material overheads, but I dont understand why the the handling of the packaging should be charged extra. Their handling, stocking, purchasing costs, etc should all be included within the product mark up. If you were to buy from their trade counter they wouldn't charge an additional handling fee to walk from the trade counter to the warehouse shelf and back to the trade counter with the part. In the majority of cases I would guess that putting something like a seal or CV boot into a jiffy bag to be sent has to be a lot quicker than dealing with a customer face to face at a counter, possibly spending time looking through the catalogue with them for part numbers etc.
  16. Total, Baybirmingham, me heard that one more than once or twice, ive rediscovered GFS, since in haggisland they are all there is ,retail outletwise and am finding there stock /friendship/advice and prices excellonti ! i"m well pleased ,

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