Portable Toilets cheap price

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by steelerdon, May 4, 2012.

  1. Check your local Go Outdoors and Lidl stores Bank Holiday Monday the prices have gone potty for a week.
  2. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Don't tell Bek - she might get carried away :thinking:
  3. I will be first in the queue but thought it best to leak it out through the members.... whoops!
  4. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    Its a ruddy obsession -- toilets on tlb ::)
  5. Betty is only lidl shed like a lidl toilet. Better get in the que. We have a few porta loo experts on here too ;D
  6. toilets are very useful
  7. I bought one of these ar Lidl year ago...although the box was branded something else the instructions and label on the loo itself was Thetford, but considerably cheaper! (It has sat in the attic aver since, having never been used!)

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