Pedestrians and road "manners"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyrooo1, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. Moons

    Moons Supporter


    Personally I think a traction engine is the way to go - pretty much nothing would come off better in a bump with one of those except maybe a bigger traction engine.

    A bloody big traction engine is the way to go.
    sjhjoinery likes this.
  2. ....but there'll always be someone who's traction engine is bigger than yours....where will it end?

    As for horse riders, I consider them as pedestrians on unpredictable beasts, with limited intelligence...

    (note careful placement of a comma to create ambiguity;))

    I know a man with a wooden leg, named Fred...
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2013
  3. ...and it's folk like you with attitudes like that are why this country is in the state that it is and moreover
  4. they are no good for dogging youd get stuck :rolleyes:
  5. A good point well made Bernard....hanging's too good for 'em
  6. o dear
  7. You and your big traction engines....:rolleyes:
    You'll be saying we should feed the poor, next!
  8. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Lummy, you copped me a fair one there guv'nor, slap on the bracelets I'm not scared of doing bird for me crimes....
  9. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I want history to note that the Traction Escalation wars, the 2nd round, started on this fine day of the year of our lord 2013.
  10. do they do a scooby conversion thou :D
  11. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    Of course - can't have an aircooled traction engine, where would the steam come from?

    As for a flat 4, the thing would flatten most things I would imagine...
  12. the drivers ears:oops:
  13. Speaking as a sometimes pedestrian its the Lycra a**e in the air cyclists that are the ones to watch. Pedestrian stop idiot cyclists don't. One way streets don't figure in their thinking either. Pedestrian zone only means no cars...not applicable to cyclists or so it would appear. ....
  14. lycra :eek: they have a string of unyuns round ear
  15. I think the original complaint of people having earphones in is a good point. I feel it is worth fewer points when you hit someone with earphones. A teenager is worth 20 points without earphones but I have an unfair advantage if they can't hear me coming so I automatically knock 5 points off.
    Pony likes this.
  16. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    What about Gay Bikers On Acid?

    Oh..scrub that....they were a band.
    Birdy likes this.
  17. [​IMG]
    Your mighty Behemoths are no match for my Nanoengines....We are legion!
    fritt and Barneyrubble like this.
  18. That sounds rather worryingly specific... should Bettyrubble (or her mother?) be alarmed? :thinking:
    Barneyrubble likes this.
  19. no her mother is no longer with us , and betty doesnt have a life policy ;)
    surfgir1 likes this.
  20. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    red dwarf quote?

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