own up you unsocial peps

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by johnnysensi, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. last 2 weeks ive seen over 50 vw bays ......not one person has dub signed me back ?do left shankers not wave to right shankers....do complete resto not wave to ratted bays.....does the guy in the red n white bay on the a21 have tunnel vision ,does the man in the cowboy hat in bromley feel it lowers him to wave ,does the lady near east peckham with the import bay feels she better than me lol.........wave back or ill paint ya bay black
  2. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Have you been driving your bay?
  3. course mate ..my main ride ...funny thing is when driving my pt cruiser they wave ,,,,,,,,,,pheraps the wave is to pass em by tho lol.....how u doin horts bro ....
  5. I think the rules for who you do and don't wave to need to be formalised. For example I will happily wave to a T25 but Zoe (YorkshireCamper) frowns upon it.
  8. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    Wave at splittes (rarely wave back), earlies & lates always wave...T25's depends if they are looking..T4 onwards, if they wave first lol.

    Beetles, KG's etc always wave..always get a wave back! Locally there is a big Mk1 Golf following, the Matlock/Bakewell crew usually wave & get a wave in return!
  9. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    That's because yours is covered in stealth paint and no one sees it. And HorTs has bayless eyes when it comes to seeing other bays. Just ask his Gummy Bear ;)
  10. Now are we talking a friendly wave or flipping the VW sign? Never know the correct rules so in the past I've just waved like a crazy person and some wave back other look worried!
  13. my vw sign that i do is bit joey deacon .......i normally hit the 666 heavy metal sign at peps.....
    rock n roll forever
  14. I cant do the vw sign as i am 46yrs old and look silly enough. Happy to wave at everyone. I still nod at scoots when i see them when i'm on my bike. I give vw's the thumbs up when on said bike too. I give all bmw's the 1 finger salute though.

    Sometimes with our paddle boat steering, i am paying too much attention to watching where i am going to notice people coming t'other way.
  15. I wave at most. kinda find that t25 dont wave mostly, every bay I've come across are friendly. wave, rock on, no worries, or just flip a hand as i grapple with the steering wheel ;D
  16. found a new rule ....women drivers of bays must now show breast,s or equaliant to qualify for a wave back .....
  17. I'll always flash my lights first to other Bays. If they then wave, I'll wave back too. Very enthusiastically.

    I'll never flash first to any other model of VW bus (including the new Brazilian Bays). If they flash or wave at me, I'll then flash and wave back. But not too enthusiastically. Because I'm an Original-Bay snob!

    Maybe the reason why so many are appearing unsociable nowadays is because there's so many hired Bays on the road. Those folk don't really know about the 'rules' in waving and flashing.
  18. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Can someone post a picture of what the wave looks like and what way I have to wave it. I get so confused.
  19. From all the buses I passed yesterday I only got two waves. How rude. ;)
  20. I always use the surfer Shaka/ hangloose ( fist with little pinky and thumb sticking out) although I've had a few frowns from t25 owners ;)

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