Here is my attempt to make an prototype bay overrider ( other bay window vehicles are available) take some masking tape and completely cover an overrider Next you need a release agent you can use an epoxy release spray, transmission fluid I used anchor wax Give it 2 coats and let it dry, Next mix up your resin don’t use too much at a time I used about 4 mls, cut up the glass fibre netting in manageable 1 to 2 inch strips and start covering the mould take your time I did 3 layers although you can do more if you wish Let it cure for 24 hours then take a plastic scraper/spreader and carefully prise the fiber glass overrider from the mould Next take a marker and trace around mould then trim off excess with an electric file if you have one or by hand if you dont( don’t forget to wear a face mask ) Then make good any imperfections using more fibre glass and leave to cure for 24 hours to be continued
I literally don’t know….but I assumed the fronts are different as the bumper curves. Ultimately it doesn’t matter and I could be wrong anyway!!
The late ones are indeed marked RF LF RR and LR ( or ours certainly are) and the fronts don’t fit rear as you say!
You are correct late bay overrides are front and rear and L&R Early ones are the same front and rear and left and right
Next I made some seals from 8 mm tubing I had in the shed, I cut this down the middle using small sharp scissors
That’s ace. That’ll learn that they should’ve had a proper early. Ozziedog,,,,,,,,LR, FL, etc etc etc,,,,,tttssssskkkkkk
Not fixed to the bumper yet, I will drill the holes using the original as a template, file the holes square then use captive ( square) bolts then I can fit the impact rubber over this prior to fitting, the steel overriders use the bumper nut and bolt to secure because these are fibreglass another hole will have to be drilled to secure them to the bumper