One injury too far...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Joker, May 6, 2012.

  1. I'm sick to the back teeth of working on my van and suffering injuries. There has gotta be a better way?

    Doing my valve adjustments today I ended up scraping my back against the concrete - now have a lovely big saddlebag with no skin on it. I'm covered in bruises, scraped knuckles etc etc etc

    Just about had enough
  2. have a hug :hug:
  3. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    sell it and buy a bongo.
  4. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Fear not because it's not just you. When I was working on Marowaks bus and l had bruises like a battered husband would have up my arms and cuts on my hands and I've had Mike4's bus dribble gas into my eye. And lets not forget when my own bus bit me on the head and slammed the engine lid on my nose. It's like working with tigers :)
  5. part and parcel of working on motors. my hands are covered in scars from years of being a mechanic.
    invest in a decent mat to lie on, about £25 from snap on or mac, get one thats oil resistant and wont absorb water.
    get some of the leather impact gloves, i resisted getting some for years but they really do save your knuckles. i have metal lodged in the orbit of my right eye and an oil stain in the corner of my left eye because i was too stupid to wear goggles or glasses. no need to wear a hard hat or hi vis vest, but do have some safety wear
  6. I use half a sheet of hardboard it makes sliding around really easy
  7. mikedjames

    mikedjames Supporter

    I use a big polytarp all bunched up. Comfy but the tools and bits of bus often vanish into its folds.
  8. Get a Scooby conversion and you'll hardly ever have to do any work on it :)
  11. Surely, if you went 'Porsche' you'd want to go for the air cooled 3 litre or 3.2 circa 1980 to 1989?
  12. That would be the air cooled? I said if I ever went water...
  14. Moons

    Moons Guest

  15. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

  16. buy a lupo.
  17. i wouldn't touch one of those with yours
  18. How did you injure tour back doing valves, Joker? I think my bus is the easiest vehicle to work on. My MGB, now that was a cow. 3 inches off the ground, and everything rusted back to brown stuff.

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