Ok, I admit it...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Josh_JK, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Josh_JK

    Josh_JK Sponsor

    ... I actually think this is pretty cool!


    One of my colleagues sent it to me, thought you might enjoy it :lol:
    Sorry if it's been posted before!

  2. Your lifesavers may be a bit dodgy on this bad boy ;)
  3. Josh_JK

    Josh_JK Sponsor

  4. I've just phoned the taste police.
  5. Josh_JK

    Josh_JK Sponsor

  6. Wow thats awful :eek:
  7. That is just shocking, could have at least put a decent bike on the front.
  8. Josh_JK

    Josh_JK Sponsor

  9. I don't believe that is real. How can a motorbike front steering take all that weight, let alone actually steer.

    I call fake. ;)
  10. urrgghh haha Josh thats horrid x
  11. even if you could steer it the brakes would be crap
    gear stick is in about the same place it would be on a van, theres no grips or controls on the handlebars
    Its an unfinished project, unfinished for a reason
    nice colour though, eh ricky
  12. Josh_JK

    Josh_JK Sponsor

  13. ... and worst of all, it's BROWN
  14. Not for me but if it was made into a trailer that could be towed by a agrocat id be tempted


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