Oh no! Snow in Barnsley

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Gooders, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. :TTIWWP:
    Gingerbus likes this.
  2. Gingerbus

    Gingerbus Supporter

    It’s not bad here, but roads weren’t gritted so the little we’ve had made things a bit sketchy in places.
    Louey, scrooge95 and F_Pantos like this.
  3. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    (wide angle lens doing my legs no favours whatsoever!)
  4. I honestly thought you were pulling our legs :D :hattip:to you!
    scrooge95 likes this.
  5. Meanwhile, a bit of Barnsley's finest yellow globe making an appearance.

  6. Have you got any post men in the family?
  7. :eek:

    Shouldn't that, in this day and age, be "postal workers"? ;)
  8. Gingerbus

    Gingerbus Supporter

  9. 2021-02-08 001 002 (800x600).jpg A bit of snow (and a flood) here in York.
    scrooge95, Louey and F_Pantos like this.
  10. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

  11. scrooge95

    scrooge95 Moderator and piggy bank keeper

    Oh! Wait! Stop the bus! It’s snowing in Salisbury!

    … Although to be brutally frank, I’ve had worse dandruff.
    CollyP, Lasty, snotty and 1 other person like this.
  12. Get your thermals on, woman! You’ll catch your death. And wear a vest!
    scrooge95, crossy2112 and Meltman like this.
  13. Are you quite sure it’s snow? Any Russian aircraft around?
    nicktuft, scrooge95 and crossy2112 like this.
  14. I`m presuming there`s a mistake in the title punctuation ??

    Surely it SHOULD read :-

    OH !

  15. Phwoar!:D
    Lasty, scrooge95 and Meltman like this.
  16. I heard Barnsley beach is closed, due to the weather?
    Betty the Bay likes this.
  17. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    Fake news...the closure is Covid related..not weather related.
    Lasty and crossy2112 like this.
  18. No virus would dare infect a Yorkshireman, surely?
  19. Betty the Bay

    Betty the Bay Supporter

    There are several on here who claim to be " half Yorkshire " .... and the soft southerners virus is far worse than any Covid one....so it appears regrettably that the answer to your question is yes!
    Pony, art b, crossy2112 and 1 other person like this.
  20. He still hasn't told us which half is Yorkshire...
    art b, Betty the Bay and crossy2112 like this.

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