Office Speak

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Lord Charles, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. We have far too many managers here and more than our fair share of supposed MBAs so it comes as no surprise that we get the odd eMail or two with some genuine useless management speak twaddle.

    Today's example:

    "Cool...shall we have a follow-up meeting and kick off some lower hanging fruits"

    I would like to kick off his lower hanging fruits :angry
  2. LMAO.......actually spat brew on

    the new one here is its not a "Brain Storming" exercise now as that might offend people. Its now a "Thought Shower",... a "thought shower".. words fail me.
  3. dog

    dog Tea Boy

    ^ yeah they use that one in schools now as for some reason its more pc! how it is escapes me ???
  4. Sorry I really dont get how 'brain storming' can be offensive?
    Can anyone shed any light?
    Infact I'm going to check it out now.
  5. apparantly its offensive to anyone that might have health issues with the brain.
    So you cany use any word that people might have health issues with.
    Apparantly brothels can no longer use the phrase 'hand job' ?
    As its offensive to the unemployed as well.
  7. my personal bugbear 'cascade' as in 'cascading information to your team' - can't I talk to them instead?
  8. We've been regularly encouraged to help 'bring projects into land safely'...
  9. Has anyone ever got their ducks in a row?
  10. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    someone in introduce yaself said that :)

    carry on with your blue sky thread :)
  11. I know nothing of this office jive you speak of ....thank god
  12. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  16. It's stuff like this that makes me glad I work in a public sector non-commercial organisation.
  17. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    We have so much jargon. The brain storming quote drives me mad. I work with epileptics. They are having a seizure or fit. I've never once heard anyone say "they are having a Bain storm" If they did we'd think they were thinking up new ideas.

    What gets me at the moment is "young people" they are kids, teenagers etc. I've never heard of someone having a young personhood or how were your young person years?
  18. I love it when you call up someone and told they can't come to the phone right now because they're tied up with their secretary.

    Well, bloody hell - go and untie them.
  20. Apparently we don't have enough bandwidth to accommodate all our projects and as such will be down sizing our pipeline?

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