New way of picking your packet/wallet

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tuesday wildchild, Feb 17, 2016.

  1. haha OK then :)
  2. Not according to the article

    'We doubted we'd be able to make purchases without the cardholder's name or CVV code, but we were wrong.
    We ordered two items – one a £3,000 TV – from a mainstream online shop using "stolen" card details, combined with a false name and address. We've alerted the store involved.'
    Lord Congi likes this.
  3. The shop better ask itself why its validation system is so sloppy, I'd think ;). The card provider would cancel any fraudulent transactions - they're normally on the ball.
  4. Zed

    Zed Gradually getting grumpier

    Someone bought a phone with my name and address, a stolen card from someone else and a different delivery address. Security for telephone/internet sales is as sloppy as hell - the supplier wants the sale and most times the bank pick up the tab.
  5. I'm not saying it's not possible, given the millions of card transactions every day. It's unlikely tho' that you'll end up out of pocket.
    Lord Congi and Zed like this.

  6. old school way was to use a hole punch....
    Razzyh, Tuesday wildchild and Lasty like this.
  7. Yep my card was some how cloned and the bank refunded everything about £600 , all over a weekend so even with my bank app didn't see the transactions till the next week.
  8. They're pretty slick at recognising which transactions aren't kosher.
  9. I won't be catching any trains....:thumbsup:

    wait a minute , I ain't got one of them magic cards....:D
  10. Do you reckon that bloke gets out much in the evenings? I don't.
    jivedubbin likes this.
  11. what do you mean gets out ,he's locked up
    snotty likes this.

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