New mods

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dog, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Yeah. I didn't like his b eige ones. They put me off my dinner.
  2. B eige and cr eam both turn into magnolia. Was dog having an unimaginative day when he came up with that hilarity.
  3. Dont lend it to malc he will claim squatters rights
    bernjb56 and Poptop2 like this.
  4. Tuesday wildchild

    Tuesday wildchild I'm a circle!

    Sounds like the folk of the Lincolnshire fens.
  5. Still very much have them in France..:D

    Reading pms ,I am definitely out...

    probably was never in to start with...:D
    bernjb56 likes this.
  6. That's. A good question ,who did you have in mind ?
  7. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Forget it!
    No way, no how!
    bernjb56 likes this.
  8. I wish all the new mods a happy Thursday and hope they find joy and happiness in their new roles.
    jivedubbin, Merlin Cat and hailfrank like this.
  9. Screwfix do good knee pads... (personal recommendation :D )
  10. Moons

    Moons Supporter

    I was hoping it would feel different, you know, the first morning of ultimate power....

    Wake up, looking down from the throne of greatness, itching to do some good, a Solomon to the little people.

    Instead, indeed I did look down from the throne and concluded the bog floor needs a clean and the promised smiting power over the little people actually involves using the Hoover in the garage later to sort the big spider that I am scared of near the door.

    Let's stay vigilant out there people.
    dog, Diddymen, Silver and 10 others like this.
  11. To be honest I was a bit put out not being asked to be a moderator. Ok, so I don't come on here much-just like a moderator, and when I post I don't really add anything, again....


    Thinking about it, asking me to moderate would be as ridiculous as say asking @Baysearcher - ha, that would be crazy, right?
    Silver and Lasty like this.
  12. Baysearcher

    Baysearcher [secret moderator]

    They ain't that daft!
  13. So who are the new Mods? I'm :confused: .com.
  14. Not me - wasn't asked.
  15. O rly.
  16. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    Is it not showing in the list?

    Lickypoo will know
  17. Terrordales

    Terrordales Nightshift

    Have a look in the section called Members
  18. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  19. You need to be more specific :thumbsup:
  20. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

    And ploptop

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