Neat caravan idea

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Birdy, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Birdy

    Birdy Not Child Friendly

    Just seen this on the www. It doesn't look muck when folded away but when out its pretty genius in its concept. Who doesn't want a conservatory when they are camping??

    The designer is Eduard Böhtlingk. Just put that into a Google search for more

  2. Pretty cool. And at that height the bedroom and conservatory would almost be above the mud at camperjam. :)
  3. ...and then when the rest of the family come and join the small boy in the conservatory, the whole thing tips up and falls into the lake. :(

    Sorry, glass is half empty today.
  4. ;D
  5. tis one tidy idea that
  6. oooh I love it!!
  7. Bet that's expensive.
  8. i would love one of them
  9. Honky

    Honky Administrator

    Very good.
  10. thats awesome! i like the T5 conversion that extends out the back :)
  11. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

    it's just a posh trailer tent in drag.
  12. The perfect caravan for us lot would be something which weighs as much as an Eriba Puck, built to the same quality, but looks like one of those lovely US Airstreams (a mini-version, similar in size to a Puck) with the folding down sides as pictured in this thread. I got approached by someone once who wanted to make such a thing. They reckon they could build 'em and flog 'em brand new for 5 grand, and make a profit. At that price, we later calculated that they'd be making a loss of at least 5 grand on each unit.

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