Name our Camper!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by burntout, Mar 4, 2012.

  1. So following on from poptops take on campervan names thread, and us hi jacking it a bit :-[ :hijack: we thought we had better start a new thread for people wanting their vans to be named and other members to put forward their suggestions, up to you if you want it number plate related or just named, just post a description and let people make their suggestions: :D

    So far the suggestions we have had in for a number plate of XST are: Kissed (sunkissed), Sexy, Mr X, Dr X, Excite, Excess.

    Happy naming folks! :thumbsup:

    Bernjb - will let you post yours up!

    Doesn't just have to be for campers if someone stuck for another vehicle (we have named our L200 crew cab - Pepperami as its green and silver and a bit of an animal! ) :))
  2. hailfrank

    hailfrank Admin esq.

  3. is it a boy or girl camper - what colour is it?
  4. Boy or girl, not worried. Will post pics up later but is currently a nice moss and rust colour, with the old bit of faded red and white in it (reminds us a bit of Poptops bus) just thought of botanical whilst typing this as its sat for so long in someones garden! ;)
  5. Sounds like a boy - I always like quirky old names. Sounds like a "Ken" to me
  6. To be random and topical - Englebert.

    Or I get "existential" from the number plate so you could name him after a philosopher - Plato or Aristotle.
  7. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

    i'm going with sun kissed -- its fitting for where you live and the Xst bit of your number plate :)

    add a poll when you have enough suggestions and don't forget the yrr1iat option ;)
  8. MorkC68

    MorkC68 Administrator

    If its covered in moss why not call it Kate ;D ( as in Moss)!

    I'll get my coat!
  9. Kruger

    Kruger Sponsor

    Surely with the big boat like roof, any name will be preceded with H.M.S :D
  12. burnout thinking something like pamela, after pamela anderson, sunkissed a bit rusty red looking from all the fake tan! :)
  13. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Ok - invitation accepted! There are a few suggestions on Poptop's thread, but need some more please.

    Aussie poptop - colour is banana yellow. A boy or an it. Reg MBW. ???

  14. Lazy Andy

    Lazy Andy Supporter

  15. Poptop2

    Poptop2 Administrator

  16. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    When we were buying it all the emails were under 'Banana bus' so you aren't far away. :thinking:
  17. bernjb56

    bernjb56 Supporter

    Burntout - what about Xstatic, of Exstatic? :eek:
  18. Lazy Andy

    Lazy Andy Supporter

  20. [​IMG]

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