My T25, temporary home

Discussion in 'Show Us Your Bit On The Side' started by holmsen, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. It's hunting season, and my t25 has again become my home away from home :)
    1. day our youngest member, 16 y.o. shot his 1. moose, same guy that got us bird for dinner a couple of weeks ago ;D
    Out of 8 moose this year, we have now got 3. Dog got kicked by the 3. one, so vet said he need a weeks rest to heal his ribs.
    Will get back up, upcoming weekend.
  2. good to see your gettin used of a vw, as for hunting, not my sport, a riffle against a unarmed stag... is n't exactly a fair advantage.
  5. You live a great life holmsen
  6. Woodylubber

    Woodylubber Obsessive compulsive name changer

  7. I agree savages..... ;)

    Can you send me a rump svpl.... ;D beautiful scenery as well.... O0
  8. Glad I'm getting your support, was a bit worried hunting was seen as a cruel thing to do.
    And paradox,,,have to agree, I do appreciate the way me and my m8s live up here, coming up to the woods it's like paradice to us, no rules, no stress. Spending endless hours sitting on a post trying not to move, watching life in the nature, listening to the hunting dogs in the distance, and if lucky they come your way with a moose.
    But being up there is more than just hunting, Saturday was magic, we went to the end of the road to an open place late at night, to watch a meteor rain, it was absolutely fantastic. Stayed up there til Sunday morning, got dressed, whent out and found us a good spot to sit, and got our 3. moose :)
  9. Great looking DoKa holmsen. 8)
    I've wanted one for years and could never find one i could afford, so ended up with a caravelle instead.
  11. Wow looks amazing!

    Would love to be able to have that so close to home.
    Not a huge fan of hunting but along as your not doing it for fun, and eating it it's natural.
  12. Is that a volvo in the pic behind your t25 dude?
  13. Looks like a volvo laplander. C202 maybe? 8)
  14. yep, we call it a volvo jeep. amazing ride, split window safari, 8 seater that will take you everywhere in the tarrain :)
  17. rickyrooo1

    rickyrooo1 Hanging round like a bad smell

  18. I thought it was a volvo laplander

    One of those is on my future ownership list

    I hunt a fair bit of food through various methods but here in the uk were quite restricted as too where and what we can and cant do.

    There nothing like seeing your food go from wild quarry to the meal on your plate
    It makes you a lot more respectfull and understanding
  19. i;m a milf hunter in my spare time but i'm not sure that counts

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