My Bus - Right Reg Wrong Date

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Spacecowboyuk, Jun 28, 2018.

  1. The Dating Letter arrived this morning and shows the correct date and year. However what's really blown me away are the coincidences on this particular journey.

    I'm glad the bus was born on my Birthday and even the planned build date on the M Plate was my actual due date. Furthermore, I'd originally bought the bus on my Birthday as a 33rd Birthday present to myself. As Bella at VW Type Approval said, the Bus was obviously meant for me. Too cool :thumbsup:

    I'll get the various forms off to DVLA this weekend.
    ckandjk, vinnyboy and paradox like this.
  2. Going by my m plate my van is a couple of months older than me
    I thought it was cool to have a van made the same year I was born

    Yours is much cooler
    Spacecowboyuk likes this.
  3. My logbook came back today all correct and classified as historic vehicle - using jsut the Glass's guide extracts and a covering letter from me :)

    No mucking about with dating letters or birth certificates or having to pay for anyone's "expert opinion", as DVLA stated they just need the Glass's guide extract as proof.
    paradox and Spacecowboyuk like this.
  4. Also... at the third attempt they've also finally changed the colour to green as well.

    The first time I sent off an engine number change and colour change ... they did the engine number but not the colour.

    The second time I sent off the address change and the colour change and they changed the address but not the colour. - although I did send off the bay and the t25 logbooks in the same envelope for the same address change and the T25 came back as green FFS

    This time they've actually managed to do TWO changes at the same time.... they must be getting better.... bless them
  5. vinnyboy

    vinnyboy Supporter

    Great story. You have to keep that bus forever now :thumbsup:
    Spacecowboyuk likes this.
  6. Hi without the confirmation from VW did they go with the m plate date you provided or did they revert to something else?
  7. 77 Westy

    77 Westy Supporter

    using just the Glass's guide extracts and a covering letter from me. No mucking about with dating letters or birth certificates or having to pay for anyone's "expert opinion", as DVLA stated they just need the Glass's guide extract as proof.”
    davidoft likes this.
  8. :rolleyes:My question is did they record the exact date of build (or planned date as per M plate) or kept it as per the wrong date but recorded as 'Historic' as per Boadman or simply revert to 1st January of 77
  9. There's no date of manufacture on the logbook, date of first registration stays the same 9/1/78, class changed to historic

    .... but DVLA online check now shows manufactured year as 1977.
    davidoft and Spacecowboyuk like this.

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