My '79 panel

Discussion in 'Show Us Your Bit On The Side' started by Johnnyunderpants, Sep 17, 2016.

  1. Been doing lots to this these past couple of months to get it on the road here in N.Z

    Attached Files:

    chrisniclia1 and volkswombat like this.
  2. Love it, what have you done to get it that low?
  3. Hi. I live in christchurch, originally from Andover, hants uk
  4. Used to live in papanui in Christchurch, got some family in rangiora.
    I don't remember seeing many old vws, wasnt really looking though. Is there much going on?
    Johnnyunderpants likes this.
  5. Bloody hell. Small world. No, not much going on in the vw world. Lots of classic cars but not much in the way of vw's. Up north is better so im told.
  6. is it photo shopped? lack of shadow on the rear wheel and tyre suggest its been int' shop!
  7. No!! How dare you say that ;) a simple photo taken in a field after a vw show.

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